Diseases in Cattle: Insights, Prevention and Management

12 January 2023

Imagine a world without delicious milk and dairy products - it's hard, right? Dairy farming in India is a crucial sector of the agricultural landscape. However, it faces a significant concern: diseases that harm its growth and profits. Despite the integral role of dairy products in Indian food and culture, these diseases pose substantial hurdles to the industry. Furthermore, the repercussions of these outbreaks extend beyond individual farmers, affecting the entire dairy value chain, including processors, distributors, and consumers. As farmers, understanding the intricacies of prevention and management is crucial to ensure the health and well-being of our cattle.


Disease outbreaks affect the livelihood of dairy farmers throughout India. Managing diseases is challenging, given the presence of both- large-scale and small-scale operations. These ailments result in decreased milk production, compromised health, and financial hardships that impact the entire industry. For instance, Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) alone causes annual losses of over $5 billion in the Indian dairy sector. Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) contributes to 75% of sickness and death in feedlot cattle. Tick-borne diseases like Anaplasmosis and Babesiosis can reduce milk production by up to 30% and cause significant financial losses.

    The Most Common Diseases in Cattle: An Overview

    Cattle are prone to a variety of diseases that can harm their health and productivity. These diseases can be bacterial, viral, or parasitic

    Metabolic Disease:

    Metabolic diseases in cattle occur due to nutrient deficiencies, disrupting their metabolism. The symptoms include loss of appetite, lethargy, depression, and low milk fat content. Examples of Metabolic Diseases: Acetonaemia, Fatty liver.

    Respiratory Disease:

    Respiratory diseases in cattle are airborne caused by pathogens transmitted through sneezing, coughing, eyes, and mucous discharge. The symptoms include fever, loss of appetite, dullness, and depression. Examples of Respiratory Diseases: Bovine Respiratory Disease, Tuberculosis (TB)

    Neurological Disease:

    Neurological diseases in cattle can occur because of bacteria, viruses, and toxic substances, leading to weakness and paralysis. The symptoms are isolation from other animals, abnormal behaviours, loss of coordination, and facial nerve paralysis. Examples of Neurological Diseases: Tetanus, Stress.

    Enteric Disease:

    Enteric diseases occur due to parasitic ingestion, affecting the condition of the intestinal tract. The symptoms include diarrhoea, weight loss, and fever. Examples of Enteric Diseases: Intestinal issues, Bloating, Gut Worms.

    Eyes, mouth, skin, and feet Disease:

    They are viral diseases transmitted through other infected cattle or people (carrying the virus on clothes or hands). The symptoms include fever, weight loss, loss of appetite, and blisters in the mouth and on the foot. Examples: Footrot, lice, ringworm.

    Causes of Diseases:

    Diseases in cattle weaken their physical well-being and functionality. By understanding the source causes behind these, we can gain valuable insights into how to manage the health of our cattle. Let us explore the key elements responsible for these health challenges.

    • Inadequate nutrition or an imbalanced diet harms the health and productivity of the cattle.
    • Poor hygiene and sanitation practices spread diseases among cattle.
    • Overcrowding and inadequate ventilation weaken cattle’s immunity.
    • Insufficient biosecurity or failure to quarantine new cattle increases disease risk in herds.
    • Extreme weather and contaminated pastures harm cattle.
    • Incomplete vaccinations leave cattle vulnerable to diseases.

    Mismanagement on a dairy farm can affect the health of the cattle, their productivity, and the profitability of the farm.

      Managing and Preventing Diseases in Cattle: Effective Strategies

      In the dairy farming industry, prioritizing disease prevention is of utmost importance. Moreover, it is a proven low-cost method ensuring the sustainability of dairy operations. To ensure a healthy farm, you must follow good management practices. Some key practices include:

      • Regular and thorough sanitation protocols to maintain a clean and hygienic environment for the cattle.
      • Adequate nutrition and a balanced diet to support their immune system and overall health.
      • Proper ventilation and housing to prevent overcrowding and minimize stress levels.
      • Timely and comprehensive vaccination programs to protect against common diseases.
      • Regular health monitoring and early detection of any signs of illness or abnormalities.
      • Proper biosecurity measures, such as quarantine protocols for new animals, to prevent the introduction and spread of diseases.

      Alongside these traditional practices, integrating a Smart Cattle Management Solution can greatly improve disease control efforts.Furthermore, farmers who adopt the Smart Cattle Management System experience streamlined cattle management processes. By integrating CMS into your farm, you can enhance operational efficiency, improve animal welfare, and maximize productivity and profitability. With JioGauSamriddhi, you can transform your dairy farming operations in many ways. Real-time monitoring of vital parameters such as milk production, breeding cycle, health indicators, and feeding patterns allows you to make informed decisions for optimal cattle management. One of the remarkable features of JioGauSamriddhi is its ability to send real-time alerts and notifications about your cattle wellness. This advanced technology enables you to always stay informed about the well-being of your cattle. With JioGauSamriddhi, you can set up customized alerts based on specific parameters such as Reproduction Status, Milk, or Health Indicators. In case of any abnormalities or potential signs of disease, you will receive instant notifications, allowing for swift action. Moreover, JioGauSamriddhi serves as a valuable tool for connecting with veterinarians. It provides a platform for secure and efficient communication, enabling you to seek professional advice, share vital information, and discuss any concerns regarding your cattle's health. By leveraging the power of JioGauSamriddhi, you can ensure timely interventions, proactive care, and a collaborative approach with veterinary experts to maintain the health and well-being of your cattle


        The sustainability of a dairy farm depends on proper planning and management. To secure a healthy future for your farm, it is crucial to prioritize the regular monitoring and tracking of cattle’s health and activity. Additionally, consulting veterinarians and staying informed about disease prevention techniques protect the well-being of your farm. Embracing a proactive and vigilant approach is key to ensuring early detection and prevention of diseases in your cattle. This is where a Smart Cattle Management Solution plays a vital role. By incorporating Cattle Management Solutions, you can streamline your operations, conduct regular check-ups, and closely monitor your cattle’s health. Ultimately, healthy cows lead to higher milk production and a more prosperous business. Make the smart choice and invest in a comprehensive Smart Cattle Management Solution for a successful future on your dairy farm.

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